Conference Research Topics

We welcome submissions relevant to the broad area of the psychology of music, including but not limited to the following research topics:

∼ Music perception and cognition: neuroscience of music; music, language, and meaning; music memory; perception of rhythm, pitch, harmony;

∼ Psychology in music education: musical giftedness and its psychological correlates; personality and motivation; learning and enhancing musical skills; collaborative music-making;

∼ Musical experience and appreciation: aesthetic perception and response; musical preferences; musical communication; emotional responses to music;

∼ Musical behaviour in context: music in everyday life; new media and music listening; musical engagement across the life-span; cross-cultural studies of music;

∼ Psychology of music production and performance: creative processes in music; composition and improvisation; expression and emotion in music performance; psychological aspects of performance; non-verbal communication in music performance;

∼ Music and wellbeing: wellbeing of musicians; music for health; music and social bonding; 

∼ Musical origins: evolutionary perspectives on music; infant development; animal sounds and music;

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